About Animal Jam

Hello jammers! some jammers doesn't really know animal jam, so I'm gonna tell you something about animal jam! and why you should play it! :

1. Animal Jam Is a Safe Online Game! 
Why? animal jam have some rules that may help people to act polite. Animal Jam also have a trading system, that can be used to avoid scammers.

2. Animal Jam Is a Educational Game! 
Animal Jam have some info's about the WILD. It will help us learn about the nature, and help us        LOVE the nature!

3. Animal Jam is A Social Online Game!
Animal Jam also use to meet all new people, if you're shy, you can definitely use Animal Jam! Animal Jam also have some buddy request, so you can add some people to be your buddy!

4. Animal Jam Have a Cool Adventures!
Animal Jam also have some of COOL ADVENTURES! we have to attack the PHANTOMS! helping the ALPHAS, and more! So, team up! this adventure needs 4 JAMMERS to team up!

SO go to Animal Jam!



  1. Aj is awesome people it can help you learn and have fun! there is a block button if a jammer is being mean to you and parents can give you free chat or buy a membership to get exclusive items. I play animal jam every day if you need help you can see if I'm on or you can come to an animal jam blog like this one or daily explorer. Animal jam is great way to chat with friends and express your creativity too!
